Meet the Team
Your Jewelry Experts.

Dana Brown
Owner, Gemologist, Stone Expert
Dana grew up in a family that owned a Gem and Mineral Business and he has always had a fascination and passion for gems and rocks. After graduating from the University of Minnesota, Dana moved to Brazil and began work as a Gem Importer while also working in a Diamond Mining Operation. Other jewelers travel to the Twin-Cities to come to Dana for his extensive and wide-ranging knowledge of stones... He’s kind of a big deal.
- The University of Minnesota G.I.A Gemologist
- Certified member of the American Gem Trade Association (A.G.T.A)

Annie Brown
Owner, Jeweler, Jack of All Trades
Growing up, Annie's grandma would take her into a beautiful jewelry store on Madison Avenue in Indianapolis, and at about eight-years-old, Annie found her love for jewelry and gemstones. The sweet woman there would always take the jewelry out to show her. According to Annie, "I LOVED it, I swore I’d work in a jewelry store when I grew up and I got my first job in a jewelry store at age 16". She also worked for an International Diamond and Gemstone Wholesaler in Minneapolis. No school learning, just life. Annie has been with Elequent Jewelry Inc. since 1994. She is our Resident Diamond Expert and holds a prestigious Graduate Gemologist qualification that makes her uniquely qualified to answer all your questions.
- Certified member of the American Gem Trade Association (A.G.T.A)
- Certified member of the Women's Jewelry Association (W.J.A)

Rosie Brown
Store Mascot, Expert Cuddler, Kiss Giver
Meet Rosie A.K.A Rotisserie Chicken!
Rosie arrived on July 10th, 2021 as a rescue from Texas. She is a sweet girl who will greet you, but is still afraid to be pet. After four years in a cement cage, we understand.
She loves treats and there is always a jar out front full of them, so feel free to give her a couple.
**IF you are afraid for any reason, please call us and we will put her in her safe zone so you can have a pleasant experience. We understand dogs aren’t for everyone.**